
Workshop Program online

Call for Papers

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Important Dates

Papers due: 22 May 2015
5 June 2015 AOE
Notification: 30 June 2015
Workshop Date: 25 Aug 2015


Euro-Par 2015

Call for Papers


The workshop is focused on the design, implementation, execution, and analysis of experiments in parallel computing in order to improve the reproducibility of results.

Topics addressed in the workshop include:

Paper Types

  1. full paper: a regular article with up to 12 pages
  2. short paper: 6 pages presenting first results (ca. 4-6 pages presenting first results or addressing viewpoints on the reproducibility problem)

Please not that only long papers (10-12 pages), which have been positively reviewed by at least 3 referees before being presented at the workshop, may be included in the workshop proceedings. Thus, short papers will not be included in the workshop proceedings.

Important Dates


Accepted articles will be published in the Euro-Par workshop proceedings after the conference.


Submissions are handled through the EasyChair conference system.

To submit your paper, log in to the EasyChair website of the Euro-Par workshops (Euro-Par 2015 WS) and select the track “REPPAR”.

Papers should not exceed 12 pages and must comply with the Springer LNCS format.